Have you ever thought about volunteering?
St Vincent de Paul is an international charity and the largest voluntary charity in Ireland.
Our volunteers assist everyone from our neighbours down the road to refugees across the street, families living next door and asylum seekers desperate for a home. Whatever their background, SVP is here to help those who need support the most.
If you have a spare hour and want to do some good in your local community, we would love you to come and volunteer with us. Every hour a volunteer can spare makes a positive difference in someone’s life.
To find out more please visit our website https://www.svp.ie/ways-to-help/volunteer/
The SVP Carrickfergus Conference are delighted to report that the total 'Red Box' donations received in support of the SVP work during 2023 was: -
A massive thank you for your generous support.
All funds received have gone a long way in delivering much-needed assistance and practical support to families and individuals in crisis within our parish and town. The work of the conference continues unabated and we request your continued support ~ principally, through prayer ~ for the small band of conference volunteers and those in much need of short-term assistance and support. Times are tough, but we soldier on; for, in faith, we, ' .... can do all things through Christ who strengthens' us (Philippians 4:13). May God bless you and keep you.
Thank you.
SVP Carrickfergus

Are you, or someone you know in a crisis and is in need of short-term assistance or support?

Society of St Vincent de Paul
North Region (Antrim, Armagh, Derry, Down, Fermanagh, Tyrone)
196-200 Antrim Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT15 2AJ
Phone: (028) 90351561
Email: info@svpni.co.uk
Website: https://www.svp.ie/requesthelp